The Role And Use of Citric Acid in Cosmetics
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The Role And Use of Citric Acid in Cosmetics

Views: 169     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-10-30      Origin: Site

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One of the uses of citric acid


Natural citric acid is widely distributed in nature, natural citric acid exists in crops, such as lemon, pineapple, orange, fruit and animal muscles, bones, blood, many consumers see some cosmetics contain chemical "citric acid", do not know the material and function of the role, then what is the role of citric acid in cosmetics?

Citric acid is an organic acid, belongs to a kind of fruit acid, the main role in cosmetics is to accelerate the renewal of cutin, often used in latex, face cream, shampoo, whitening products, anti-aging products, acne products and so on. The renewal of the stratum corneum helps the melanin in the skin, the pore narrowing, the blackhead dissolution and so on. But it should be noted that although citric acid is good for the skin, after all, after treatment, sensitive skin or careful choice, has long been sensitive skin girls can only use maintenance products, do not add any natural supplement lemon slice soaking water to drink the vitamin C needed in the body may be a good choice.

Next, let's introduce several functions of citric acid in detail. What is it used for?

Commonly used in maintenance products, such as lotion, shampoo, anti-aging products, acne products and so on. When used in a proportional solution, citric acid has a variety of properties.

1, improve the skin, can remove too thick keratinocytes, make the skin soft, young state, change the aging skin rough and elastic. After softening the cutin, it can also improve the secretion of sebaceous glands and achieve the effect of eliminating facial soreness.

2, beauty wrinkle: any fruit acid products can improve the skin's anti-drying ability, can improve the skin's natural moisturizing ability, let the skin maintain a certain humidity, reduce fine lines. It is a good humectant, which can increase the content of hyaluronic acid in the dermal surface layer and increase the water content of corneal cells and the dermal surface layer.

3, has the effect of preventing and eliminating skin pigmentation. The renewal of the stratum corneum helps the melanin in the skin, the narrowing of pores, and the dissolution of blackheads.

In addition, since citric acid needs to be used carefully, how do we determine the amount of citric acid in a class of cosmetics? Now let me share with you the next tips for reading the label of cosmetics ingredient list:

1, although the essence is a mixture of a variety of spices, but in the formula table only as a component, with the word "essence" marked, other ingredients in accordance with the order of dosage into the ingredient table.

2, for the content of the product is less than or equal to 1% of the ingredients, adding more than 1% of the ingredients, can be ordered arbitrarily, that is, this component can not be in any order.

3, the pigment is generally marked with the number of the colorant (that is, the index number), such as "CI73015". If there is no number, you can use the Chinese name of the colorant, such as "pigment yellow".

4, the name of the ingredient according to the content in the formula from large to small, that is, the higher the grade, the higher the content of the ingredient in the cosmetics. For example, water is the most commonly used solvent in most cosmetics and in many cases the most abundant ingredient, so it is often at the top of the ingredient list.

It can be seen that the order of the ingredients does not represent their importance, such as water and other substances such as butandiol and glycerin are commonly used solvents, in addition to the basic moisturizing effect, they are more to help disperse and dissolve the ingredients in active cosmetics, to help the active ingredients contact with our skin or hair, play a role. Many active ingredients may not be as high as water and rank lower than water on the ingredient list, but they are key to how cosmetics work.

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